$ cd ~NurvX/_


About me

I'm @NurvX, a cyber security analyst. I mainly do cyber defense with the focus on malware analysis,cyber forencis and Penetration Testing. You can find my certification on his page. I am also interested in reverse engineering and *nix systems.

I try to learn what I find interesting and share as much as I can.


This site is powered by Next.js, an open source web framework based on React. I use SCSS modules for styling and CSS custom properties for theming. Most of the content lives in a single directory in plaintext markdown along with a sprinkle of MDX features for interactive components. I also use a few remark and rehype plugins to transform markdown into HTML, and YAML frontmatter for metadata.


Hosted on Netlify since 2019.


Previously, this site was built using Gatsby. I migrated over to Next because of degrading build times. Some features that used to exist on this site that were later removed include Netlify's form handling to handle form submissions and Font Awesome for icons.

Over the years, this site has gone through various iterations of tech stack and designs. When I started learning programming, I didn't know anything about static site generators. So when I learned Django, I used it to create the first version of my personal wiki, which obviously turned out to be an overkill. Other tools that I have used at some point include Wordpress, GitBook and mdBook.

Overall, I use my personal site to experiment with technologies and learn new tools. I try avoiding link rot as much as possible by maintaining URL routes and adding redirects where possible. If you encounter any issues regarding dead links, accessibility, or have other feedback, please let me know.

Last updated: March 24, 2023